golden aspen 3.jpg

Golden Aspen

Loaded with quivering energy,

this vibrant couple

Celebrates the onset of Fall

with gilded glory.


Theme: Joy

Made with Gold Leaf and Copper Leaf which uses an electrostatically controlled process to glue each leaf by its edge to the branch. It can quiver in the slightest breeze. Though more fragile than my other trees, it is definitely exciting.

Made with Gold Leaf and Copper Leaf which uses an electrostatically controlled process to glue each leaf by its edge to the branch. It can quiver in the slightest breeze. Though more fragile than my other trees, it is definitely exciting.

The bark is patinaed white. Inclusions of iron filings, when exposed to heat and moisture bleed brown streaks. This tree on Honey Onyx is translucent and can be illuminated from below. Special order.

The bark is patinaed white. Inclusions of iron filings, when exposed to heat and moisture bleed brown streaks. This tree on Honey Onyx is translucent and can be illuminated from below. Special order.


Aspen -Exuberant energy supported in relationship

