Trees of fantasy and monumental proportions. We have sculpted a provocative collection of many trees never seen before. We are excited to share the stories behind each of these trees and hope you will find one with which you feel a special connection. If you have additional questions or would like to know the status of a specific piece, please give us a call at 636.936.8130 or email us at
Trees of fantasy
In this newest development in my trees, I break all the rules. The character of these sculptures springs not from nature, but from dreams. Splashes of light and color swirl in the boughs. And mysterious light flashes from stone and sky. These trees are dreamers and stir the air with mystery and romance.
Aurora Borealis
It is a privilege to see it in the frozen, northern skies. We are astounded by the beauty, mystery, and grandeur. Points of twinkling stars, swirling bands of luminescence, and evanescent patches of light. In this deep, blue-black universe we feel so small, but we are awed by the mystery and transcendent display of power and hope.
Color Dance
This tree is out of the box with joy. It is breaking all conventions and seems to want to celebrate with color. It invites all to laugh and join the dance.
Starry Night
The trunk is shrouded by a canopy of cobalt blue, moody, pensive, and mysterious. But in that azure, heavenly space there are scintillations of golden stars. You must study this tree, and you will see hope.
Arctic Spring
A tree of immense energy and boundless optimism. This joy filled White Dogwood, in its zeal to sing, bypasses the gradual transitions of Spring, and bursts directly from the glacial ice into a sparkling world.
Arctic Bradford Pear
Arctic Dogwood
Heart on Fire
The Bible tells of Moses confronting a flaming bush. It was on fire but was not consumed. From it came words of a relationship where God did it all for his people. He was in charge. All Moses could do was to stand amazed, and be grateful and happy.
Monumental Collection
We have created a collection of exuberant trees of monumental proportions. There are new takes on our beloved signature collection including our 3ft Big Hearted Oak, a nurturing sanctuary with a playful spirit, featuring a child’s swing. America is a heartwarming story of the resilience and destiny of the spirit. Winter- Spring focuses on the loving and harmonious relationship between 2 vastly different trees.
Andre’s Tree
A tree cultured and supported by a gardener to achieve healing.
The Big Hearted Oak
This powerful, trustworthy, giant shows experience in the healed cleft in the trunk. A swing flying from a massive bough demonstrates its servant- leader quality with a smile.
Standing independently on a rocky promontory the powerful conifer reaches for the sky. Life happened, and a bolt of lightning blasted its crown. Now this resolute being has turned up a new shoot to reach its destiny.
A powerful, seasoned spruce shelters a delightful dancing dogwood at its base.
Mountain climber
Approaching the summit, this intrepid adventurer is propelled upward by the challenge of adversity.
The Bridge
Laying itself down to span an uncrossable chasm, this selfless sacrifice provides more than one avenue to use its gift.
Jessie’s Stump
For those patiently waiting, there is hope, and a promise kept.
Second Chance
For this tree it is not over. With roots still in the ground it takes its opportunity, and with new hope, reaches for the light.
These trees are An exclusive collection, cutting edge, where the priceing will be different than our traditonal collections.
If you would like to view our regular collections and pricing guide, please click the link below.